Ben Cruachan Walking Club Inc.

The Ben Cruachan Walking Club is an incorporated Association. Its affairs and activities are conducted in accordance with the Club's Rules of Association as amended 9 September 2020 and Club Policies and Guidelines as determined by the Committee of Management from time to time. Its affairs are managed by the Committee which comprises 9 office holders and up to 5 ordinary members. The Committee meets every second month in Maffra.

Club members may submit items for consideration by the Committee or contact Committee members via the 'Contact Us & Feedback' menu item on this website. Club members are welcome to attend Committee meetings and view minutes of meetings. The Committee members for 2023/24 are:

President: Peter Jennings

Vice President:  Belle Deacon

Secretary: Robyn Kercher

Treasurer: Marian Matchan

Walks Coordinator: Geoff Mattingley

Tracks and Conservation Coordinator: Joe van Beek

Newsletter Editor: Jack Winterbottom

Publicity Officer: Kerry Knights

Membership Secretary: Ken Free

Ordinary Members:  Rob Paterson, Clare Snell, Elizabeth Davis, Monica Scicluna, Anne Wilson

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